Complete Due Diligence of your wind farm operation

Our Solutions are designed to provide a through analysis of how wind farms are operating

We identify any significant issues that might be impacting the performance or the lifetime of your assets

Based on the available operation data and our proprietary algorithms, we are able to define a turbine specific plan of action to improve its operation



Root-cause wind turbines underperformance

Standardised and not impacted by external conditions

Detect short-term and long-term variations

For once, you’ll actually know if your wind turbines are performing as they should!


Detect and quantify issues impacting turbine operation and performance

Yaw misalignment, North deviation, Pitch operation and many others

Increase Production and avoid unnecessary wear on your turbines

Turbine Upgrade

Assess the impact of a Turbine Upgrade or other significant event

Evaluate impact on the AEP and the wind turbine operation

Decision-helping results to know if the upgrade are worth deploying on a larger scale

Data Quality 

Data quality is essential when performing any analysis on wind farms. Wind variability and randomness, lack of availability, precision and stability on the operational data provided by both SCADA and external sensors are known and frequent issues in the wind industry.

A significant part of our innovative approach consists in acting upon the available data in order to make it a reliable source of information that can be used with confidence and provide results on a large-scale.

Our complex processing algorithms ensure the stability, coherence and calibration of the data. They guarantee the quality of the Analysis provided by ExpertWind and are a required step to unlock our full understanding of wind farm operation.

Want to know more about our solution?

Get in touch to find out how your wind farms could benefit from our results